
I’m Jeff and I’m passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission by serving and loving the local church and helping people to know, experience, worship, and obey Jesus.

I love God’s Word and His people. I’m passionate about preaching the Bible expositionally, with a desire to reach the lost and grow Jesus’ followers to greater depths of spiritual maturity. I consider it a privilege to work as one of the Lord’s shepherds, and love being part of a team that's on mission together.

I've been working in full-time ministry for over two decades, serving as a student pastor, worship pastor, associate pastor, church planting missionary, and lead pastor. I'm currently serving in the most fulfilling role I've ever held, as the teaching pastor at Gospel City Church in the Greater Vancouver area of BC, Canada.

I'm blessed with a wonderful family consisting of my wife of 21 years, Charlene, and our six children (ages 7-19).

In the little free time I have I enjoy hiking, music, deep conversations, road trips, football (the European kind), meats and cheeses, and losing to my wife at board games.

Photo of Jeff
Photo of Jeff

About Jeff