Partner with In the Word

In the Great Commission, Jesus calls His followers to preach the Gospel and baptize those who respond. He also calls His followers to grow new believers into disciples by "teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:20).

At In the Word, it's our heart and goal to obey the Great Commission by making faithful Bible teaching available for free, so that anyone who wants to be discipled by the Word of God can be.

To do that, we rely on the generosity of partners who share our heart and give so that we can have the time and resources needed to study, record, upload, and administer this content.

One of the great testimonies of the Church is that we give generously so that people we've never even met can experience the saving grace of Jesus through the Gospel of His grace that has forever changed our lives.

If you'd like to give toward that mission, thank you for partnering with us. You can do so using the options below.

*In the Word operates under the oversight of Gospel City Church, and all giving is processed through the church for financial accountability.

*Please note that In the Word is only able to issue tax receipts to Canadian givers, as the IRS does not recognize giving receipts issued by Canadian registered charities.

Give Online

For step-by-step instructions on how to use the giving website, click here.

Even if you're tech-savvy, if you're giving for the first time, please note steps 2 and 4. They are critically important.

(Link will open in a new window)

Give by Check

Please make checks payable to “WBA - New Hope Church” and mail them to:

WestCoast Baptist Association
Attn: Jessica Holmes
131 East Kings Road
North Vancouver, BC V7N 1H4

Online Giving Instructions

When you click the button below, the CanadaHelps online giving system will open in a new window so you can refer back to these instructions throughout the giving process.

1) If you would like to give on a recurring monthly basis, click on the "Donate Monthly" tab. The default "Donate Now" tab will work for one-time gifts.

Under "Donation Amount", enter the dollar amount you would like to give.

CanadaHelps Online Giving Walkthrough - Image 1
CanadaHelps Online Giving Walkthrough - Image 1

2) Click the drop-down box under "Apply your donation to a fund set up by this charity" and click on "New Hope Church (Gospel City)".

CanadaHelps Online Giving Walkthrough - Image 2
CanadaHelps Online Giving Walkthrough - Image 2

3) Verify your screen looks like the image below (with the amount you wish to give) and then click the "CONTINUE WITH DONATION" button.

CanadaHelps Online Giving Walkthrough - Image 3
CanadaHelps Online Giving Walkthrough - Image 3

4) Verify that "WESTCOAST BAPTISTS ASSOCIATION" appears as it does in the image below.

Uncheck the box under "Help us help more charities". CanadaHelps is sneaky and leaves it checked by default.

Verify the dollar amount that appears next to "Total Donations" is correct.

CanadaHelps Online Giving Walkthrough - Image 4
CanadaHelps Online Giving Walkthrough - Image 4

5) Scroll down and fill out the "Donor and tax information" and "Payment Information" sections with your billing and credit card information. You will be emailed a Canadian tax receipt at the email address you enter.

6) If you would like to create a CanadaHelps account so that you don't have to enter your billing and credit card information every time you give, you can do so by checking the box at the bottom of the "Payment Information" section.

7) Click the "Complete Donation" button and wait for the next screen to load.

You should be taken to a screen thanking you for your gift and offering a "Download receipt(s)" button which will download a PDF file of your Canadian tax receipt. We recommend you download it for your records.

Thanks for partnering with In the Word!

If you run into any issues with the CanadaHelps website, please contact us and we'll help you find a solution.